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Meals for Those in Need
Families with a new child, who are sitting shiva, or have members who are ill often need a helping hand. Volunteers from the shul make or buy meals and deliver them to those in need. To help out, please contact Sarah Dauber. When meals are needed, a signup form is created here.

Shiva Arrangements
When a member of our community suffers the loss of a loved one, we take care of all the details related to shiva. Volunteers bring chairs and other items to the house, set up the shiva house if requested, and help in whatever other ways the mourner needs.
Other Support
When members of the community are facing challenging times we offer to help with errands and other needs.

Various Drives 
The Chesed Committee also manages various drives to help those in need such as the Annual Mega Food Drive and Bergen County Channukah Toy Drive.
Fri, September 20 2024 17 Elul 5784