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Schools & Camps

Jewish Day Schools

Jewish Education for Generations Jewish Education for Generations is a community association comprised of Northern New Jersey day schools, rabbinic leaders, and communal and national organizations that are collaborating to address the issue of Jewish day school affordability


Ganenu (at Netivot; Contact Aliza Safran 201-724-8886 or Carmela Rosenbaum 201-951-7458) Bnai Yeshurun Nursery School Temple Emeth Early Childhood Center The Leah Sokoloff Nursery School at Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn


Yavneh Academy Yeshiva Ben Porat Yosef Yeshivat Noam Moriah School Yeshivat Ha-atid Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey Solomon Schechter Day School Sinai Special Needs School The Ramaz School SAR Academy


Frisch School Torah Academy of Bergen County Maayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls Bruriah High School for Girls SAR High School The Ramaz School MTA - YU High School for Boys Schechter Westchester High School

Busing Information

The Teaneck Board of Education provides free bus transportation to local New Jersey K-12 private schools. Check with the school office for transportation information. For most schools in New York, private busing or car pools are available.

Teaneck Public Schools


Bryant School is the central preK-K school in Teaneck


Assignment is generally by district, although students may be assigned to other schools for unique special education programs. Whittier School serves grades 1-4 and located in the West Englewood section of town, Hawthorne is located East of the Hospital, Lowell in the Phelps Park area, each serving the area’s pupils in grades 1-4. Thomas Jefferson, across from Holy Name Hospital, and Benjamin Franklyn, in the West Englewood section, are the grades 5-8 middle schools.


Teaneck High School is located in the Grange area along Route 4.
Bergen Academies is a collection of public specialized high schools with rigorous admissions standards.

Nearby Colleges and Universities


Fairleigh Dickenson University
Columbia University
Barnard College
New York University
Yeshiva University
Touro College
Stevens Institute of Technology
New York Law School
Fordham Law School
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York Medical College


The City University of New York
   City College
   John Jay
   Macaulay Honors College
Rutgers University 
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Bergen Community College
Ramapo College of New Jersey
William Patterson University
NJ Institute of Technology



Not all camps listed are necessarily kosher or meet the Rabbi’s kashruth standard.

Day Camps

Ganeinu (see schools)
Teaneck Sports & Arts
Art For Learning
Chabad Kiddie Camp
Camp Ramah (Nyack)
Camp Shalom
Camp 613
Camp Regesh
JCC of the Palisades/Neil Klatskin Day Camp
Flat Rock Brook Nature Center
Tenafly Nature Center Camp
Camp Discovery at Fairleigh Dickinson University

Overnight Camps

Camp Nesher
Camp Morasha
Camp Moshava
Camp Shoshanim
Camp Dora Golding
Camp Stone
Camp Monroe
Camp Ramah (Berkshires)
Surprise Lake Camp
Eden Village Camp
Camp Kaylie
Drisha Passport NYC

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785