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Pesah 5782

Friday, April 15

Shaharit at Shul 7:30 AM followed by a Siyum Bechorot

Candle Lighting: 7:17 PM  · 

Mincha: 7:20 PM at shul

Shabbat/First Day of Pesah, April 16

Shaharit/Musaf: 9:15 AM at shul  (note new time)

Youth Groups: 9:15 AM at Shul

Mincha at 7:20 PM at Shul

Second Seder should begin after 8:05 PM


Sunday, Second Day of Pesah, April 17

 Shaharit: 9:15 AM (note later time) at the Shul

 Minha at 7:20 PM

 Shiur by Michael Rogovin on: "Two Dips That Pass in the Night: Tracing the Origins of a Widespread, but Seemingly Erroneous, Passover Tradition" Followed by Maariv

 Havdalah after 8:20 PM

Thursday, April 21, 6th day of Pesah

Make Eruv Tavshilin Before Yom Tov

Candle Lighting: 7:23 PM

Minha: 7:25 PM

Friday, April 22/7th day of Pesah

Shaharit at shul: 9:15 PM

Early Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:00 PM

Saturday, April 23/8th Day of Pesah

Shaharit: 9:15 AM

Minha: 7:25 PM followed by Seudah Shlishit/Seudat Neilat Hahag

Havdalah after: 8:25 PM

There will not be any outdoor minyanim on Passover. We plan to resume again after Passover if there is sufficient interest.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785